⭐️⭐️ Keystar new and used car sales and Service Centre remain open at the moment ⭐️⭐️
We have taken extra measures to minimise the risk of spreading COVID-19.
⭐️ Intensive social-distancing practices
⭐️ Thorough visitor health declaration
⭐️ All staff follow strict hygiene and sanitisation procedures throughout the day
⭐️Cleansing of all working surfaces and common areas after each customer and/or staff interaction
⭐️ Sanitation services provided throughout the day to appropriate touch points and common areas
⭐️ Sales consultants can email to you personalised videos of vehicles you are interested in including interior functions and virtual test drives
⭐️ Option of home delivery of cars to customers who have purchased
⭐️ Immediate self-isolation policies for all staff demonstrating symptoms or who have been in contact with any known infected person.
⭐️ Intensive social-distancing practices
⭐️ Thorough visitor health declaration
⭐️ FREE non-toxic and hypo-allergenic non-contact SANITISER included with EVERY CAR SERVICING* which reduces germs and bacteria.
⭐️ Protective items including steering wheel and gear lever covers and wearing rubber gloves
⭐️ All day 'Driveway Service' where we greet you (keeping 1.5 metres distance) at your car for handover and on return of your vehicle
⭐️ All staff follow strict hygiene and sanitisation procedures throughout the day
⭐️ Option of a mobile servicing van to service your vehicle at a location of your choice or to transport your vehicle to the Service Centre for you.
⭐️ Immediate self-isolation policies for all staff demonstrating symptoms or who have been in contact with any known infected person.
If you would like to know more or enquire about sales or service please call 1300 KEYSTAR or you can book your car service directly online https://www.keystar.com.au/service-centre/